I honestly think I may cry.
-Tries to keep a calm, mature standpoint.- Super Tails.. I haven't seen him since Sonic 3.. Birds and all. Super Knuckles, pink in hue from absorbtion of positive chaos energ--- OH MY EFFING GOD DUDE!! You've single handedly created one of the best animated, fan based fiction animations dealing with Sonic the Hedgehog to date!! There's no beating around any bushes here. You've gone and done it.. DBZ influences or not, that shit was so bad-ass I almost cried, then shouted more cursewords. Too bad sound clips can't be implemented into comments, because I guarantee you'd laugh at my reaction to this flash. Or greatly appreciate it. Either's fine. xD I mean damn. Everything went so well together, it's hard to name favorites. All I can say is.. that was A-Fucking-Mazing.. And not just because I'm a Sonic fan.